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The Unknown Ghosts

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I have no interest in cheating, and we screen our players as often as need be. If you watch the replays you will see. How do you think we were cheating anyway Leethp?

I wouldn't have even wasted my time posting in here, but most members of our clan enjoy playing in your server. It seems you have a few ban-happy members, though.

Seriously, if you ever think one of us is cheating send the leaders (Hardcore, Realn4cer, Ky) the replays so they can remove those players from the roster.

Thnx. Sabicas.

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Originally posted by SABICAS D|N@Feb 3 2005, 12:14 AM

I have no interest in cheating, and we screen our players as often as need be. If you watch the replays you will see. How do you think we were cheating anyway Leethp?

I wouldn't have even wasted my time posting in here, but most members of our clan enjoy playing in your server. It seems you have a few ban-happy members, though.

Seriously, if you ever think one of us is cheating send the leaders (Hardcore, Realn4cer, Ky) the replays so they can remove those players from the roster.

Thnx. Sabicas.


No problem Sabicas, we'll do that. All replays are saved along with IP's to Names and we'll pull them off and take a look when needed.


Sometimes some guys will come in who play a little funky and we may kick them out/ban them, but you'll notice that we dont have any banned from server areas (Except for CoD PunkBuster MBL's) here on the forums posting up accusing people of this or that.


At the end of the day, we do pay for the server & I hope visiting players respect that, and we do sometimes exercise the option to not let people play. Sometimes its justified, sometimes it's not.


Thanks for stopping in. :)

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Originally posted by .TuG.Leethp@Feb 3 2005, 12:49 AM



I spoke to Flya about this and if i have over reacted Whoops


He made some good points (????????) go figure


Unban them and let others decide, makes no odds to me


Sorry for the trouble (but not for the bans)


That is all




It's cool, i'll hunt the IP's out the logs and match to the ban.txt and remove them.


Just an FYI to every one who may be reading this also, we only have a total now of 6 IP's in our ban.txt file, and the server has been running for months now.


If no-one minds, I'll lock the thread and we can move on. B)

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