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The Unknown Ghosts

A little confirmation?


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A few weeks ago now, i was banned by benny from the TUG 100mbit NYC server. I wasnt being rude, swearing or doing anything innapropiate. The only thing that i can think of is that he thought i was cheating. I was not cheating and they didnt even bother to look at replays or tell me that they thought i was cheating.

A few days later i joined the TAW server, i was then harrased by flya, swearing at me, calling me a plain cheater, gimping me every game and gennerally being a twat.


Cud someone grown up enuf in TUG plz do summit about it, ive alrdy seen posts by other members of teh GR community post in here about bannings, seems like some members dont take to kindly to be owned.



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I was on the server with flya that night and it wasn't him swearing or being abusive.


Flya was being flya and if vision hadn't been abusive and used bad language i am pretty sure me and flya wouldn't have been taking pot shots at him.


And as for the cheating well Benny banned him, make your own mind up.


ps i think benny is great :D

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Im not talking about that night im talking about during the afternoon a couple of days after the banning in the TAW server when u were telling flya where i was on hunting lodge, but i was still killing him and when u and flya everygame decided to gimp me ok?...leethp u dont even know me so stay out of this, grow up and let higher ranking, more mature members of your clan handle this situation ok?

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Originally posted by Vision@Mar 15 2005, 10:40 PM

Im not talking about that night im talking about during the afternoon a couple of days after the banning in the TAW server when u were telling flya where i was on hunting lodge, but i was still killing him and when u and flya everygame decided to gimp me ok?...leethp u dont even know me so stay out of this, grow up and let higher ranking, more mature members of your clan handle this situation ok?


First dude i don't want to know you, second we don't have ranks witin tug.


I set out to annoy you with my post, and it would appear i did/


I WIN :lol:

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Vis if u continually upset people with ur stupid antics expect to b repaid

if u dont like it....................dont play like a muppet, (or just dont play where we r) and there wont b a problem.

I think benny had a point banning u, I didnt need to see the replays to KNOW that ur using names.

Like u said in the post here u were chasing just me rnd a map when there was 14 other players to kill....................but u managed to find me with ease.................................r u psychic?? I wonder if u can tell me this weeks winning loto numbers too! :lol:

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I actually cant beleive u. I dont cheat, i never have cheated, cheaters are losers who dont have the skill to play without them. I wasnt using names, the only reason i was finding you probably because leethp was telling you where i was on teamspeak, so in fact u were finding me! Give me a game with kidbu$ter and ill show you how to play GR. Ive been playing this game on and off for 4 years, go figure, yeh sure i might have gotten a bad rep for some of the mistakes ive made: joining devil dogs the main one but i have never cheated and i dont appreciate the bad repuatation ur giving me by these accusations. If you dont have the intelligece to cheack replays and to use ur opinionated guesswork then you have no right. Like i said, play with kidbu$ter and you'll see no change in the way i play or act because i dont cheat.


If you dont have ranks then i'd like to speak someone more mature such as beaver who is also a TWL admin.


Thx for wasting my time..Vision

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As a former admin on a few different ladders, I have know of Vision for a few years. Back when he was with Sealz, then DDC. There has always been accusations of cheating against him but the times I have investigated I could never find anything. Vision is a pretty good player and I attribute a lot of his success to playing the game endless hours. The biggest problem with Vision is that he is a young player with a temper that cannot be held because of immaturity. This is not a knock on him rather an explanation. Because he gets accused a lot he is constantly having to defend himself and frustration and temper cause him to be a bit caustic with his own defense. I dont believe he cheats but he can get annoying. :excl:

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umm, thanks, i think...i can get annoying? In what way am i annoying, ur right i do get annoyed when people ban me, because i dont cheat. I just dont see how i am annoying. People say im immature but if they just took a look at themselves, they're not much different, if ppl didnt know my age they'd treat me with alot more respect and wudnt do or say half the things that sum ppl have alrdy done.

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Originally posted by Vision@Mar 16 2005, 07:54 PM
Why is the guy bothered about being banned off our server, there must be lots of places he can play, were he is welcome (lol)



See what i mean?





i win again


Jesus dude i know they said you were young but come on, just go away or are you after some sympathy form people who don't know you.







By the way he was still here when i posted this!!!!!!!!!!

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i ent even gonna shrink to your level noob, who said i wanted to play in ur server i want me friggin name cleared. Ive had it done from every server who banned me b'cos they thought i was cheating. But i wasnt, so they looked at the replays and saw that i was good, summit that ur not leethp. Ur a noob who tries to play GR and act the big man with ur homo m8 flya.


All i want is my name cleared and my ip un-banned. Oh and btw, if u KNOW i cheat and u wont bother to look at replays then u mite aswell kick me off TWL? huh? if ur that sure, go ahead b cos widout proofu got shit and guess wat? there ent no proof. So how bout u go try to play GR in UBI ok?

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Originally posted by Vision@Mar 16 2005, 08:04 PM

i ent even gonna shrink to your level noob, who said i wanted to play in ur server i want me friggin name cleared. Ive had it done from every server who banned me b'cos they thought i was cheating. But i wasnt, so they looked at the replays and saw that i was good, summit that ur not leethp. Ur a noob who tries to play GR and act the big man with ur homo m8 flya.


All i want is my name cleared and my ip un-banned. Oh and btw, if u KNOW i cheat and u wont bother to look at replays then u mite aswell kick me off TWL? huh? if ur that sure, go ahead b cos widout proofu got shit and guess wat? there ent no proof. So how bout u go try to play GR in UBI ok?



I win again

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