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The Unknown Ghosts

new membership :)


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well there are some old friends of ours looking to join our team, so we decided to offer






full membership as they are so old school!


welcome in boys


please post introducing your selfs give us some info comp type, location, age, games played, sexual preferance (we already know wolverine like animals acording to Toe jam) but seriously we would like to get to know you :)

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I'm located at Hanscom AFB, 17 miles from boston, and right now about 70 miles from NYBandits. I am moving in about 5 months to be a lot closer to NYBandits.


I'm on cable, so I get excellent ping to the server.


I love GR, and I am looking forwarded to GR2 for the PC, and then I will own everyone again!


I'm a sailor, and my mouth is worse than toe jams!


Thanks for having me

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I am located in the great state of Connecticut. That's in America for all you wankas that don't know :D . I am a New Yorker by birth and have been a sailor all me bloomin life!!! I learned of GR by NYGiants a few years ago and have had the priveledge of matching with alot of you old timers since then...


I too am on cable and have a nice ping... (sounds sexy)


I say what's on my mind and I like to have fun while I kill people. I have never really figured out the right way to play this game, but it's the guys like TJ and NYG and Moose that kept me hanging on :wub: .


I have a beautiful wife so if I need to take a 15 minute break some times you know why... B)


NYGiants will soon be my bitch working for me again (around July), so don't expect him to have much time to play or match come then.


Some might call me names behind my back, but to my face just call me "The Chief"!!! :excl:

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My name is Matt, I am in Kentucky and I make Paper for a living. I work 12 hr swings, but only work 14 days a month, so lots o time for GR!!! I'm married and have the most beautiful baby girl!!


I have been playing this game for oooo since it was a demo. I am on cable so my pings are great most of the time!! Is there any other game than GR?????



Man..to see Giants, Bandit, Toe and me all back in the same place at the same time...Lord have MERCY!!! Are you guys sure you want all these rowdy Yanks in the same server at the same TIME??


We all played together in the old =SD= days. Wow this is like coming home!! I am just super glad Toe told me to get my head out of my ass (you sexy devil you)!! See you fellows out and about..



Thanks for adding me to this merry band of outlaws!!!


BTW Bandit..congrats on the Frocking Bro..great to see there are a few old Chiefs left to carry on the traditions!!!

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