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The Unknown Ghosts

London Party on the 27th-


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Guest SAF_Biffa

I'm there Psych.


The date I fly out to Dublin is the friday 29 th so no clash...phew!


Mad- he's in Spain

Wiz - he is broke

Fighter - he is too young

Snowy - is too old


So that's probably it from the SAFs.

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Offended and hurt .............


that I should be considered too old.


I could party you young whippasnappers into an early bed.


However things are never easy, I live 200 plus miles from London, and the 27th is mid week, work and all that crap tends to get in the way.


I do occasionally get down there, but would you believe it that week the rail service from Manchester to London is totally screwed with the journey taking up to six hours.


Sorry it sound like a load of excuses, but never mind.


Post where you are gonna meet just in case.........

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Hey Guys,


I'll be in London on tuesday and I''l be staying at the


Crown Plaza Heathrow



You can call me/leave a message for me there- So we can hook up wednesday

name: Don Geyer


C U then -Psy




Bulldog - I am gonna try and get down to c u tuesday afternoon-- I pm'd you some questions and details etc....

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OK - here it is. :)


I will be in London on Wednesday morning - about 10-11am - I will meet you outisde the McDonalds at Leicester Square.


I'll be wearing a pink flower in my hair - hehe.


But seriously - I'll be wearing glasses - have a goatee beard & probably a black&grey kickers shoulder bag. I have short hair & about 6 ft tall. :)


Fancy a date big boy?


I'll PM you my cellphone no.


I do have to leave by about 3-3:30pm though.

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Had a blast in England-----Thx to Bulldog for the nice afternoon and the sweet deal on the Kite set-up


Thx to Beaver for my initiation on "Extra COLD GUINESS"


and special thx to Biffa that lugged me all over London on the "whirlwind Tour"...had a blast ...Gawd I luv Gin and Tonics...


Thx again..I'll be back on soon--Psy

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