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The Unknown Ghosts

Missing Awards

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Cos EA smoke the pole & dont care about the stat whores... :)


I've seen tons of posts on various forums about medals/awards not showing up, but never seen anything from EA to say its fixed.


But to be honest, I have now stopped playing BF2. I only wanted to get my 8000 points so I could get all the unlocks I wanted.

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some servers dont uplaod to the ea mainframe!


do a check in your charictor page "in game menu" this is linked directly to ea if this does not update your latest battle once a round has finished it means the server is not really ranked properly and therefor you will get no points from that server (even if it says "ranked"). i lost thousands of ponits like this.


i have to say i also have not played bf2 for ages as graw is infact quite fun, bit like old times :) it would be great too se you in graw soon. ill be on msn when ever playn jbgov@hotmail.com

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