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The Unknown Ghosts

Wanna Beta Test MapPack 3??

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Yep, UBI have announced they are looking for Beta tester for the 3rd & final map pack coming soon (with siege mode)...






2006, August 18th


GRAW Fans,


Over the last two months we delivered two free and exclusive multiplayer packs for GRAW PC that included Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Hamburger Hill modes. In the UBISOFT tradition of taking the game experience even further, we are happy to offer one final multiplayer pack for the Ghost Recon community.


We would like to give you the opportunity to be part of our beta test expected to start end of August. On that occasion and during one week you will have the opportunity to be the first ones to test the new and most awaited Siege mode, take part to the Original GR coop. mode and use the all new console admin tools. Last but not least, your feedbacks and comments will help us finalize the MP pack 3 and will ensure that the GRAW multiplayer experience is taken one step further.


As a beta tester, we expect you to both judge GRAW MP PACK 3 technically as well as qualitatively and to explore all modes and features. Be the ones that show the most interest and dedication to this beta-test and win exclusive GR goodies.


To register, you must fill in this questionnaire: http://websurveyor.net/wsb.dll/15991/graw_beta_mp3.htm

Selected testers will be contacted with full instructions prior to the launch of the beta.


See you on the battlefield.


- The GR Team -


There's also a discussion thread over on GR.net about it too: http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=38188&st=0&p=410300entry410300

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