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The Unknown Ghosts

R6:Vegas - Patch v1.01 Released.

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v1.01 Patch for R6;Vegas has been released.


Get it here:


Ubisoft: http://patches.ubi.com/rainbow_six_vegas/rainbow_six_vegas_1.01.exe

3D Gamers: http://www.3dgamers.com/games/rainbowsix5/downloads/

GamersHell: http://www.gamershell.com/download_16859.shtml


Rainbow Six Vegas by Ubi Soft Montreal - retail v1.01 patch


Changes in v1.01:


- Supports the Xbox 360 controller

- Various rare single player ingame crashes have been fixed

- Better support the use of alt-tab while in game

- Reduced the memory consumption of the game

- Multiplayer difficulty level is now accurate and can be selected accordingly

- Player will now get a kill attributed to his kill list when defender or terrorist dies of damage over time ( incendiary grenade )

- Improved quick search and custom search utility for all game modes

- Improve the chat system to ensure chat box is not always visible

- Enabled changing display resolution of the game

- Corrected some localisation issues to display correct message in correct language for various menus

- Display navigational information correctly while in observer mode

- Corrected some menu interface display error

- Respawning while in chat menu will not cause chat window to overlap the game window

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