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The Unknown Ghosts

R6:Vegas - Patch v1.02 - Released

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Gathered from the german section on the ubi forums.


Original thread: http://forums-de.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/4221088115/m/2091023615


Posted 21 December 2006 06:45


Rainbow Six: Vegas v1.02 Patch Contents




* Fixed a crash when player is kicked from server.

* Fixed a crash when fetching online matches (quick and custom search).

* Fixed a crash/freeze that occurred after many games have been played.

* Fixed a problem when switching from Online to LAN mode.

* Fixed the freeze issue after the Unreal logo related to the Language for non-Unicode programs setting.

* Throwing a grenade on a player using a turret will now apply damage.

* Removed Eye Adaptation.

* Radar jammer now jams all players.

* Fixed map rotation issue on dedicated servers.

* Fixed the choppy Ubisoft logo animation when the game starts.

* Reduced lag with in-game videos on certain computers.

* Many Tutorial-related inaccuracies have been corrected.

* Fixed a dedicated server crash related to equipement.

* Fixed the cursor being stuck in desktop sub-rect after an ALT-TAB.

* Version number will now be displayed to the user in the main menu.

* Fixed a bug while observing a game where while using the joystick, the A button was not displayed properly.

* Fixed controller problem where wrong button was assigned to exit turrets.

* Fixed the missing grenades and ammo when going from Realistic to Normal mode.

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Nice one. Looks like the headaches should start settling down with the removal of 'Eye Adaptation'. Still can't believe they released a game without actually checking that people could browse through multiplayer matches.


Wow, can't believe i'm still moaning about this game! I'm a bitter, bitter man. :blink:

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