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The Unknown Ghosts

R6:Vegas - v1.03 - Patch Released

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The new 1.03 patch for Vegas has been released (at least on the ubi ftp anyway)




Here is a list of fixes in the upcoming PC 1.03 R6V patch: (Coming soon)


* Enabled PunkBuster support.


* Fixed the game session creation bug (network failed to initialize) when using HTTP proxies (like Norton Personal Firewall) by using a different destination port.


* Fixed a dedicated LAN crash.


* Fixed the server listing that was capped.


* Fixed a bug that prevented picking up weapons when taking a dropped weapon from somebody who was in zoom mode when killed.


* Fixed the secondary console that was assigned to the quote character by default.


* Fixed the radar jammer sound that stays even after death.


* Fixed the floating C4 explosive and motion sensor floating when put on breakable items.


* Fixed the menu problem when mapping the [End] key.


* Fixed the chat so that it does not trigger actions when typing.


* Fixed a problem after picking-up a weapon on the ground equipped with laser beam.


* Fixed the canister that resets in Retrieval when the carrier is killed while taking cover.


* Fixed a Retrieval mode bug that caused a 2nd match from having no reachable canister.


* Fixed a bug that caused the user to lose his weapon without picking-up the one on the ground.


* Fixed some incorrect mapping messages.


* Added a check to warn the user if an instance of the game is already running.



Dedicated Server:


At the same time as the release of the patch expect a stand alone dedicated server tool. With guidelines on how to run your very own dedicated server. (Again coming soon)


I am downloading the patch now - approx 87.8mb


As soon as I find the dedicated server files download, I'll be putting a co-op server up for some fun. :)

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