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The Unknown Ghosts

Soldner Coming next year

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This game is HOT!


Check out the official website, here:





All those peeps who love Operation Flashpoint will just love the posibilties available with Soldner: Secret Wars


This is gonna be a fantastic Squad Based (GR anyone?) game with different classes available to clans - so u wanna be a Sniper or a Heli Pilot or the Commander or a whatever - now u get to choose.


There are vehicles to play with - Tanks/APC's/Helo's/Planes


There is a huge variety of weapons available and all players are completely skinable so u can make your team look l33t. :)


The beta is happening now & I have my request put in. B)


I think this could be the next big thing we can play online as a clan if GR2 fails to make an appearance.

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I've been looking forward to this for a while, thought I must admit I have also feared this release. Not only am I going to haveto buy a new computer, but my abilities to socialize outside of a game willbe drastically effected.


Sunlight? What is that? Can I download it?

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