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GR:AW2 IP/Name Logging - Step 1 - Installing the Tools

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GR:AW2 IP/Name Logging Guide - Step 1 - Installing the Tools


Once you have downloaded the tools listed in the Tools Required thread, you should upload them to your dedicated server machine, then open a remote desktop session to it.

  • Installing winpcap

Double-click the Winpcap installer & follow the on screen instructions, leave everything as default. This should only take about 20 seconds & a reboot is not required.


  • Installing ngrep

Locate the ngrep-1.45-win32-bin.zip file and extract the ngrep.exe file to a folder called 'graw2iplogs' in the root of your c:\ drive.


  • Find network card ID number.

Open up a command prompt and navigate to your newly created c:\graw2iplogs\ folder containing the ngrep executable.


At the prompt, type:


ngrep -L


idx dev

--- ---

1: \Device\NPF_GenericDialupAdapter (Adapter for generic dialup and VPN cap


2: \Device\NPF_{FA0F2834-78CF-47F9-87FC-5C1CC3482073} (NVIDIA nForce MCP Ne

tworking Adapter Driver (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler) )



To list the available winpcap devices. You should see a list of available devices with an
number 1' date='2,3,etc.


Find the idx number of the servers network card and note it down for later use. For this example, my [b']idx
number is


To test that you have identified the correct device index number...


At the prompt, type:


ngrep -d 2 port 16250


This will listen for all incoming and outgoing packets on port 16250 (GR:AW2 default port) and then start scrolling through as people join/play on your server.


Use ctrl-x to return to the cmd prompt.


Now that you have established the correct
number to capture, you can move onto setting up the actually logging mechanism.


Goto Step 2.

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