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GR:AW2 IP/Name Logging - Step 2 - Setting up Logging

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GR:AW2 IP/Name Logging Guide - Step 2 - Setting up Logging

Now that you've installed the tools required from step 1, we will walk through setting up the actually logging processes.


When finished we will have 2 processes running, one as a realtime monitor to show who's connecting to the server & the other to do the actual data capture to a log file for later processing.

  • Realtime Monitor Set-up

On the desktop of your dedicated server, create a shortcut, called 'GRAW2 IP Real Time'. Then right-click the shortcut and open up the properties for editing.


Under Target:


c:\graw2iplogs\ngrep.exe -qtpd
30292.2673 dst port 16250


= the index number of your network adapter previously discovered in step 1. e.g.

c:\graw2iplogs\ngrep.exe -qtpd 2 30292.2673 dst port 16250

Under Start in:




It's upto you if you want to set it to run minimised on start or not.


Click ok to save the settings.


Now you can test that shortcut works by double clicking it. A Command prompt window should open and will remain open and show anyone connecting to your GRAW2 server.

  • IP Logging Set-up

Create a 2nd shortcut on the desktop of your dedicated server, called 'GRAW2 IP Logged'. Then right-click the shortcut and open up the properties for editing.


Under Target:


c:\graw2iplogs\ngrep.exe -q -t -p -d
-O c:\graw2iplogs\ngrep.log 30292.2673 dst port 16250


= the index number of your network adapter previously discovered in step 1. e.g.


c:\graw2iplogs\ngrep.exe -q -t -p -d 2 -O c:\graw2iplogs\ngrep.log 30292.2673 dst port 16250


Under Start in:




Click ok to save the settings.


Now you can test that shortcut works by double clicking it. A Command prompt window should open and will remain open and show captured data. The data will also be captured to a file called ngrep.log.


The data is in binary format and requires further processing to convert it into readable text format.


Goto step 3.

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