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Vista SP1 Won't Resolve the 4 GB Limitation of 32-bit Windows Vista



32-bit Windows operating systems, and Windows Vista makes no exception whatsoever to this rule, are limited in terms of the amount of system memory that can be addressed to no more than 4 GB. But, the fact of the matter is that 32-bit Windows XP or Windows Vista will not use more than 3.2 GB to a maximum of 3.5 GB of RAM, even if the hardware configuration comes with a full 4 GB.

This issue does not impact 64-bit Windows operating systems, and with Vista you can go all out when it comes to RAM, as the Ultimate, Business and SKUs can support a maximum of 128 GB of physical system memory, while the Home Premium and Home Basic editions will permit the implementation of 16 GB, and respectively 8 GB of RAM.



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