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The Unknown Ghosts

i35 CoD4 Tourney

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It would be great if we could get 5/6 people going to the event so that we could sign-up for the CoD4 tourney being run.


Would make for some good fun to actually be focused on playing some match games for the friday/saturday. :D


Anyway, the CoD4 tourney details are as below:


-Basic Info

Type: 5v5 S&D

Lead Admin: Harribo

Format: Group, Double Elim

Max Teams: 128

Starts: Friday 16:00 TBC



Full rules for this tournament can be found here, in addition to the i-Series Tournament Code of Conduct.

-Prize Fund

The prize fund for this tournament is guaranteed (not linked to number of entrants).


1st Prize €3,000

2nd Prize €1,500

3rd Prize €750

4th Prize €250

5th Prize €150

6th Prize €150

7th Prize €100

8th Prize €100


Total prize fund: €6,000.


Ruleset here:


  1. Tournament Format
  2. Anti-Cheat PunkBuster
  3. Cheating & Exploits

    1. Default Skins/Models/Files/Maps
    2. Use of Exploits
    3. Match Demo

      [*]Search and Destroy


      [*]Server Setup

      1. Server Cfgs


      [*]The Match Process

      1. Starting the Match
      2. Ending the Match
      3. Use of RCON
      4. Substitutions
      5. Tie-Breaker & Overtime



      1. Tournament Format
        • The tournament will be played with the Search & Destroy gametype.


      [*]Anti-Cheat PunkBuster

  • PunkBuster will be activated on the servers.


[*]Cheating & Exploits

  1. Default Skins/Models/Files/Maps

    1. Default files ONLY, as installed from the CoD4 DVD or via Steam, are to be used. If it is proven that a team has modified or customised any accepted mods, that team will be subject to dismissal from the competition. Other cheats include but are not limited to, use of any player skins, weapon skins, textures, custom maps, enhanced sound mods, blood mods, sniper scopes, modified game files, illegal binds and hardware macros that simulate timed button presses.
    2. Illegal Binds are defined as;


        [*]Permitted Bindings include;

        1. Changes to assigned stock single key game play binds.
        2. Binding of not more than two motion keys (Example: bind a +leanright;+moveright)


        [*]If you have a non-stock binding that you’re unsure is legal, or have a binding that you would like to have approved for use in match play, submit the information to an admin for clarification and/or consideration. Any player found using illegal binds will be subject to possible removal from the competition.


        [*]Use of Exploits

        1. Map exploits defined: Map exploits are errors or oversights in map design made by the map developer that provide an unfair advantage to a player or a team.
        2. Such exploits include but are not limited to: the ability to lean through, pass through, and see through walls, doors, and windows, and use of clipped or defective map passages to access areas outside the normal playing area.
        3. Proof of exploits: Any dispute made for use of exploits must be supported with evidence. Any player, group of players, or team proven to be using illegal map exploits or boosting will be subject to loss of match points and possible expulsion from the Cup. Anyone found cheating will face a match forfeit and/or removal of team from the competition.


        [*]Match Demo

        1. We ask that each player records a demo of every match they play. Any suggestion of unfair play can then be resolved swiftly and fairly. The demo is to be started before the match begins, and turned off when the match is over. Demo’s must be kept on file for the duration of the competition.
        2. To record a match demo take the following steps:





            [*]Search and Destroy

            1. You will win by completing 24 rounds on one map and adding up round victories. Search & Destroy mode will be two halves of 12 rounds. Each team will play each side once, bashing for sides to decide. After the first half has been completed, screenshots of the score must be taken and then teams will switch sides and finish the match.
            2. Once the match has completed, the round scores from both half’s are tallied, with the team having the most rounds winning the match. NOTE: A draw is acceptable in the group stages. A tie-break only takes place in the elimination/final stages if needed.



            1. The following maps will be used throughout the competition. Each map played will be selected beforehand by our Tournament System. The map list is as follows:
              • mp_backlot
              • mp_crash
              • mp_crossfire
              • mp_vacant
              • mp_citystreet
              • mp_strike



            [*]Server Setup

            1. The servers will be setup and ready prior to the competition, this is to allow players to practice before the tournament starts. Any problems with the servers should be reported immediately to an admin. The password and rcon for the servers at the event will be “match”
            2. Matches will be played using the latest PAM4 version, with the latest Crossfire ruleset.


            [*]The Match Process

            1. Starting the Match


                [*]Ending the Match

                1. A match is considered officially completed when both sides of the map have been played and the time and/or rounds have expired.


                [*]Use of RCON

                1. It is expressly forbidden to use RCON to scan, force screenshots, or any other action which may disrupt or lag an opponents connection.



                1. Only players signed up on the team list may be used as substitutes.


                [*]Tie-Breaker & Overtime (Applies to Final Only)

                1. If the match ends up in a tie after both sides have been played then you will proceed to overtime, or referred to here as the “Tie-breaker.” The tie-breaker will be as follows:
                2. Format is the best of 5 rounds. An admin chooses side order for rounds 1 & 2. Teams switch sides for rounds 3 & 4. 5th and final round, if necessary, the admin chooses the side order. The first team to win 3 rounds in the Tie-Breaker wins the match.



            2. Prior to starting a match all players should be on the server and each player matched against the teams list signed up for the Tournament. All players will join their respective starting sides. Team captains will verify that their players have begun demo recording. Team captains will communicate that they are ready to start. The server admin will restart the server in order for the knife round to begin. The knife round will be to decide sides. If anyone on the opposite team is injured by gunfire or grenade damage during the PB round the offending team forfeits the bash.
            3. It is the responsibility of the team captain to insure that his/her team is on the match server at the time the match is set to be played, and with the minimum number of required eligible players, 3 (Three). If a team fails to appear with the minimum number of players required they must play with players short or report a forfeit loss.
            4. There is a fifteen minute time limit set. For example, if the match is scheduled to begin at 2:00PM, and a team does not show up, they have until 2:15PM to comply with match requirements. If after 2:15PM they are not ready they must immediately report the forfeit loss.

        1. To begin demo drop your console and type in /record nameofdemo. Where nameofdemo could be anything you wish.
        2. To end demo drop your console and type in /stoprecord.
        3. To playback demo load the game, drop console, and type in /demo nameofdemo.


  2. Any binding of three or more keys.
  3. Binds that alter the map model, i.e.: no fog, no foliage, etc.
  4. Any binds pointed to any program or function that resides outside of the CoD4 directory, with the exception of voice comms software.
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