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The Unknown Ghosts

GRAW 2 coop (making) tutorial wiki

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Hi guys,

I realise you folks are not that active in GRAW 2 for a number of reasons at the moment, but hope it's ok if I post the following info. re a resource I've created to help people make more coop maps for GRAW 2.


A few weeks ago it occured to me that a central knowledge base might make it a bit easier for the community to create coop games and so I have created a wiki. Being a wiki, it's able to be updated by other people as a way to share knowledge.


The GRAW 2 coop creation wiki is an extremely clear and concise guide on how to create your own coop missions in GRAW 2.


There are screenshots and videos (currently 11) included in the tutorials..including a video tutorial that shows you how to have a new co-op GRAW 2 mission created in ~15 minutes!


This really is a great starting place for would be modders looking to make their first steps in making custom missions for GRAW 2.


I hope you like it. Pls. feel free to post a comment if there is anything you'd like to see added/changed. Or even better, if you already have some experience, register and contribute your knowledge to the wiki.


You can visit the GRAW 2 coop creation wiki here... http://graw2.pbwiki.com


We've even had our first coop mission released by a guy (Legacy) who just a week or two ago knew nothing about making a mission for GRAW2.


So here's hoping that we can breathe some life back into GRAW 2 :)


Thanks again guys.



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Hi Davros welcome to the forums, i have seen your posts on Gr.net and was interested but as you can see the game is slowly dying, we as a team like to match in whatever game we are playing and as no teams were matching we have moved on, but there is a void at the moment which we are filling with the farcry 2 map editor, a great tool. The gameplay is similar to old Gr but there are a few things that need to be adressed before it can be matched in. Drop by anytime with mods or maps and if they are good i will reinstall for a game :)

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G'day...yoeah, I know what you mean re. dying...but hey, it might just give joy to one more person before it shuffles off...and that's a win too.


Re. FarCry, yeah, that's why I dropped by originally...saw some of the map remakes from GR and got excited...the thing is though, (and correct me if I got this wrong), there is no coop option at this stage....seems it would have impacted the release date..so was left out. Not even sure if there will be one? Do you know?


So, how do you play the maps...solo?


The map editor is amazing! Hope one day we get the right mix of GR and tools to allow GR to become what it could be.



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