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The Unknown Ghosts

Images On The Forum--suggestions


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I see what you mean.


I just did a new post with an image and it worked ok.


Looked at the problem & it seems that this forum uses >used [img]. Spot the difference.


As to you other query, I think you'll find that the button 'ADD TOPIC' in the top right corner is the one you want. I know it's different from other forums.


The heirachy is:


1. Category - Top Level

2. Forum

3. Sub-Forum

4. Topics - Or Posts/Threads, whatever you want to call them.


I will change the text on the button just for you when I finish my new BeaverBlack ones soon.

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OK, Psyc


You win the prize for finding the 1st thing wrong with the new forums.


Thanks mate. :)


I'm not sure yet what the prize is.


Maybe I'll go and edit your profile & give you 1000 posts just to beat Bigman.


I have been and edited a few posts and changed the img to IMG and it works.

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