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The Unknown Ghosts

The GRAW2 Championship, 4-6 september 2009

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The GRAW2 Championship, 4-6 september 2009



Dear GRAW2 clan

It is my pleasure, as tournament arranger, to invite you to the GRAW2 Championship Tournament, to be held in the weekend of 4-6 september. The Tournament will be open to every clan, who can collect a team of 8 proud warriors, to fight for their clan's honor. Any clan who want to show the skills and friendship of their players, are welcome in the Tournament.


Siderunning with the Tournament will be a number of smaller competitions, which will also be open to any player, who fulfills the criteria for taking part in that specific competition.


Please take a look at the website for the Tournament: http://www.poey.biz/viewforum.php?f=31 for further information on the event, and rules and info on how to sign up for the Tournament.


The Tournament will be lead by a board of clan leaders from some of the most wellrespected clans in the community.


I hope to see you all there.



Tournament Leader

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Hi Mate, sorry but although we enjoyed the game the lack of matches and other players put an end to Graw 2 for us, we are currently in limbo and havent really picked another game yet. Thanks for the invite though.


Maybe we will see you when Ghost Recon 4 arrives :)

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