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The Unknown Ghosts

BF2 - v1.50 Patch - Released


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Yep, they finally did it after more than a year of messing around - a major update to BF2 - now with free Booster packs too....


Full details below:


Over four years since Battlefield 2 launched comes the latest update, version 1.50 which is available to download NOW!


The 2Gb download includes one of the biggest list of changes since Battlefield 2 launched as well as new map by Bjorn Sundell, Operation Blue Pearl, both Armored Fury and Euro Force booster packs for FREE and Highway Tampa becoming a requirement giving EIGHT new maps that everyone will have and be able to play on ranked servers without worry of dropping out.


To see the full list of changes check out the changelog here:




Grab the download from one of our ranked server hosts and mirror sites, You will need Battlefield 2 updated to v1.41 before you can install this update (get the full 1.41 update from:





iiNET Australia - http://ftp.iinet.net.au/games/bf2/patches/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe

Internode - http://games.on.net/file/29153/Battlefield_2_Patch_v1.5

Mammoth - http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/46763


Europe & UK

BSN Gaming - http://dl2.bsngaming.eu/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe and http://dl2.bsngaming.eu/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe

Gaming.fi - http://www.gaming.fi/keskustelu.php?kat_id=9999&ketju_id=1361&tyyppi_id=7

i3D - http://forum.i3d.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=2436

Killercreation - http://files.killercreation.co.uk/win/games/battlefield-2/patches/1.50/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe

Fileplay - http://www.fileplay.net/features/52-bf2-patch-v1-5

NextGenTel - http://broadparkgames.no/downloads139.html - User registration required

Pelikaista.net - http://forum.pelikaista.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=327

TV2 Battle.no - http://www.battle.no/?section=download&get=129



BSN Gaming - http://www.bsngaming.com/bf2/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe and http://dl1.bsngaming.com/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe

Fileplanet - http://www.fileplanet.com/files/200000/204626.shtml

GamersLifeLine - http://www.gamerslifeline.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=602

Hypernia - https://support.hypernia.com/index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&downloaditemid=97&nav=0,2,56,61,62

WOLF Servers - http://redirect.wolfservers.com/wolfservers/BF2/sks71z59w/


While you are downloading the update, spend some time getting to know the history of Battlefield 2 by watching this video by the guys at TV2 Battle.no.


High Definition -

or Standard Definition -


When asked why they made the video their response was:


The Battlefield 2 Patch History movie was basically made in connection to the V1.50 patch release. We wanted to show the world what's actually happened with Battlefield 2 during these four years, from release. Things got worse, and things got better but we can all agree that Battlefield 2 definitely is one brilliant game!


- Barrie "Bazajaytee" Tingle

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  • 1 month later...

I did used to love bf2 so much (best game i ever played well at least the most fun), but am i the only one who finds it really hard to re install it.

It makes me sad that we have to go back to a game years old in order to get any playability and fun.


I really want to be moving forward and learning a new game with new tactics, maps and weapons.


why oh why cant they just make a new game we can enjoy, is it really that hard...


rant over ...


i may as well re install bf2 if a few of us start playing. :mellow:

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