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The Unknown Ghosts

cheap MW2

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I want to get it but im going to hold off till they patch it with dedi files :)


I was thinking the same thing - see what happens over the next few weeks and possibly get it if they cave it...


However, I doubt they will!!


Was thinking of downloading it over the next few days just to play the SP, but I am not going to do that. :)

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I want to get it but im going to hold off till they patch it with dedi files :)



I was thinking the same thing - see what happens over the next few weeks and possibly get it if they cave it...


However, I doubt they will!!


Was thinking of downloading it over the next few days just to play the SP, but I am not going to do that. :)



you traitors if you buy it after they screwed us over :P:unsure:

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I think it would be wrong to buy it until they sort out the dedi files as they have let down the pc community so much!


im not even going to get it on the PS3 as i dont think that is where games like this belong ...


(yes i know now was wrong to buy flashpoint but had no idea at the time as CM didnt have the courtesy to let us know)

Edited by .TuG.Bulldog
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Did anyone see that Sainsbury's decided to sell it for £26 yesterday??


I bet all those idiots who pre-ordered for £40 are well pissed off!! lol


Not sure if this was just for the console versions (PS3/360) or not. Anyway, I know Benny went and bought the PS3 version for £26 from Morrisons!!


I stopped into my local small tesco store last night to get some grub and saw they had the PS3/360 versions for £25, BUT only if you bought a full price chart game with it!! They dont do PC games, so no idea if the larger 24H Tesco/ASDA near me are selling it cheap or not.

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Yes i went down there and all copies of PS3 and Xbox were flying out @ £26, but all copies of the Pc version @ £34 were not selling, i got it for the PS3 and so did brok, just trying to get used to the controller now :( looks awsome on my Hd 60 " screen though pixel perfect :)

Edited by .TuG.JJUK
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Oh man i bet its great fun on the PS3....


Nooo must resist the temptation.......


Its NOT right .....


but is it ok ??


No! stay strong


PS3 is not for FPS games (i got to keep telling my self that)


But i really want it.





Its good but controller is hard i have a mouse type coming tonight :)

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