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The Unknown Ghosts

BC2 Patch Update - 29th June 2010

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It would appear that the new client & server patches (Client R8 & Server R15) have now passed all QA and should be released on Wednesday!!


One of the programmers has posted the following over on the EA forums - here


It appears the patch is pretty big too at nearly 900MB!


Details below:

After a lot of trials and tribulations, all versions of the game client has now completed QA successfully.

We will do no more testing on it.


All game servers will need to be taken down for updates. The maintenance period starts on Wednesday Jun 30th at 07:00AM (GMT+2). Most of them should be back up by 11:00AM (GMT+2).


During this time window, we will also release the new game client.


Check back after 11:00AM (GMT+2), and try out the new game client!




The client patch is approximately 890MB large. The list of changes is pretty much the same as is listed here. I'm going to write a post which explains some of the background behind the delays later tonight.

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well all patched up theres a new chat window much bigger at top and can scroll down of missed messages but the servers i played on many has left because some well well dodgy people who is killing left right and centre just hope it not opened up a can of worms for the hackers witha failed patch just hope not :(

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