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The Unknown Ghosts

Some Useful RavenShield Tools

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Here's links to some good RavenShield Tools I use.


I always use the VoiceKeyBinder & AD'S ini Editor was used to help me set-up a Dedicated Server.


There is one slight problem with AD Ini Editor in that it doesn't fully support everything that is in the INI files, hopefully in the next version Almost Dead will fix this. (I i knew how to program, I'd write one myself. :) )


Here they are:


1. Almost Dead's RavenShield INI Editor - here


2. RavenShield Arm Patcher 1.2 - here


3. RavenShield Essentials - here


4. RavenShield Reticule Colour Changer - here


5. RavenShiled Voice Key Binder (Recommended) - here


Enjoy. :)

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