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The Unknown Ghosts

Custom Main Menu Screens

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I was looking through my RavenShield folder when I came across the "background" folder. Inside are all the menu screen's backgrounds. You can edit these cause they are just regular targa pics. Also you can make as many as you want cause they are randomly selected in the game and change everytime you go to the menu screen.


Here is one I just threw together. I think it is pretty cool. Also this background will only pop up 1 out of every 7 times (cause they come up randomly). So to see it just jump in and out of options and the main menu until it appears.


Extract it to Red Storm Entertainment/RavenShield/backgrounds

download here: http://www.clansaf.com/saforum/attachment....s=&postid=14209

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lol. Yes that is true mate.


I'm omnipotent you see. :)


It was one of the 1st things I did when I installed Ravenshield, I looked through the directories with a graphic viewer to see what file format where.


Main reason was to steal out the music, I also found a tool at www.radtools.com which plays the .bik video files & I guess you could make your own.

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