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The Unknown Ghosts

Camel sig test


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Your not allowed to have dynamic pages in IMG tags.


What you need to do is have the exact URL to the image between the tags.


I uploaded my sig to the TUG website and link it from there.


Like this - http://www.clan-tug.com/images/sigs/beaver_sig.gif - but between the IMG tags.




If you email me your sig then I'll upload it to the TUG site or you could ask Psyc to place it on his.

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Ya no problem...The going rate is a young teenage sister :rolleyes: a gift certificate for 1 years stay at the playboy manchine or my own island...Let me know your preferred method of payment at your earliets convenience and one of our customer service technicians will help you complete the soul binding contract. :wub: Psy

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry chaps, :(


Hostmysig.com will not work on these forums, and probably not on alot of other well configured forums, because dynamic images - i.e. those that end with either ---> .php,.asp etc - are not allowed for security reasons.


People can run malicious code using these types of scrips on a forum & if CDN allow this then they are stupid, cos someone could easily run some nasty stuff on their forums. :)


You need to link to the actual graphic file and not a re-director to it, which is what this is - hostmysig.com/data/beaver99/72316.php


I guess they do it like that to stop people leaching graphics off their servers.


If you want somewhere to host your sig, then use our server. :) THATS WHAT I DO. :)


Send me your sig and I'll upload it to the server and give you the url to put in your sig area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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