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The Unknown Ghosts

New Online Gaming CLan


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Hi all Gods Of Warfare is a new online gaming ladder that has lots of games for PC,X-Box,X-Box360.With prizes to give away and chat rooms. We also have lots more things for you to check out when the site is fully up and running soon.


We are looking for Admins,Forums Staff,Game Staff,Modders,Gfx Staff and lots lots more to help out on the site if you are intrested visit us at www.godsofwarfare.net


Gods Of Warfare is all ways open to segestions and ideas from the gaming community.And we lisen to what you have to say so drop by at GOW sign up and start posting in the forums.


we also have lots more stuff and anther site we are making for cheap hosting ,game severs that sort of stuff and our prices will be unbeatable but more info on that soon so.


lets see all ur freinds and clan memebrs sign up and give us some feedback on the forums what u wont to see on a ladder that all the other ladder dont take note of so stop by and lets get this site rollin!


Sorry if you think this is spam to you but just trying to get the word out and tell all clans theres a new ladder in town to have fun on.

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