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The Unknown Ghosts

Bad performance of HALO on your PC ?

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The Patch

I read in alot of forums that HALO's PC-Version is Badly ported over by Microsoft.

I read further down and apprantly there is a "patch" from MS themselves.


Nvidia Drivers

Also if it looks "jerky" on your PC, try downloading Nvidia 52.16 drivers. Apprantly

it's been written to Improve Halo :rolleyes:


Sluggish Mouse ?

Start the game and go to console mode and enter mouse_acceleration 0

Halo turns Mouse accelration mode ON by default.

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Thanks Apt, I have pathced it to 1.02 and havent had any problems - except some of the indoor maps that play really slow - but they are rubbish anyway - much prefer the big outdoor maps with vehicles. :)


I tried the new Nvidia drivers - but they gave an error when I tried to access the nvidia control panel - but everything else worked fine.

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the patch is server side, i don't there will be any difference.


still sluggish ? i experience it ALITTLE but that's becos' the game is either

accessing my CDrom or its saving the stage. Other than that I don't get any

sluggishness of any sort as reported by others.


I don't know, maybe becos' I've NOT optimised my GF4 MX400 card to the max

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