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The Unknown Ghosts

Domination is NOT fun!

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I take that back. It might be fun to those who play for unlimited repawns and just love to run and gun like BF2 or COD. Lol for the hard core TDM player its like getting a root canal! No tactics no nothing. The other thing I've noticed is the magic nades. They just seem to know where you are. Or getting shot at through concrete walls. Doesn't the other guy see that wall? This is too frustrating. I think I'm going to hold off playing until we get a TDM style of play up and running. angry.gif

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I think Kaiser has a point i think there a cheats and hacks available for this game.


However i don't mind domination, I just try and play with a bit of skill and not die at all.


I can't wait until the release of the additional multiplayer modes.


Don't give up on the game Kaiser, it's a good game which is going to get better:smile:

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I have to agree K - they tried to make GR:AW like BF2 with the DOM mode & the GR series just doesnt suit that game-mode.


Roll on june when the proper MP modes are released & we can get back to some proper fun - LMS - Embassy - 4v4 - No Respawns.... :)


Oh those where the days.


Right now GR:AW is full or retarded RvS players who jumped over to it becasue Lockdown was crap - they are a bunch of e-drama whores who wouldnt know a good game-mode if it bit them on the ass! :smike:


I'm sure we'll see all the proper GR1 old school players & teams later in june when the patches are out.

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well im enjoying it and as lee said i try to play like the old school and not die.


it is good fun when you work with someone covering each other. me and lee had some wicked games the other night we were getting 20 kills each and like 4-5 deaths due to working as a team that is the the skill and fun lies i think, team work.

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just imagine some real gr1 maps or style of play and this game will be class cant wait either for the patch, until then been playing some co op with good players gets quite good must admit like the multiplayer more though if you get a good server with a few good uns on its ok but a lot of spawn rapers in most.

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