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the perks offer a hugely diverse range of solder upgrades, so i think as far as i can understand all the different players on a server will have advanced different attributes almost like stats in a roll play game i guess.


not sure if this is for the pc version or what ?? but sounds interesting

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her is what the designers say


What are Perks and how do they work?

Perks are a new addition to multiplayer in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which act as special abilities to customize your character to your play style. These perks are broken up into three categories and are limited to only having three active at a time (one per category). There are a vast number of perks available, creating a unique MP experience every match with the large amount of difference combinations available.


A new perk will be revealed each week, check the top of this FAQ in the VIDEOS portion for links to videos showcasing perks as they become available.


What are the confirmed perks?

We will be confirming new ones every week, so far we have confirmed:


* Last Stand: Fall to the ground and pull out your pistol for one last chance to kill the enemy before dying.

* Stopping Power: Increased Bullet Damage.

* Juggernaut: Increased Health.

* Martydom: Drop a grenade when you die. (Anti-Tbag Technology)

* Endurance: Longer Sprint.

* Deep Impact: Increased Bullet Penetration.

* Double Tap: Increased Rate of Fire.


Can Perks or other options be modified or disabled?

Yes, server admins and players will have a large amount of config options to disable / enable as they see fit on their servers. Perks can be disabled and plenty of gameplay options can be modified. Server Admins and players will have a healthy config file to assist them.

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