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The Unknown Ghosts

Some cool things I found...

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I found a few god things while surfing some other Soldner clan sites.


1. Change the in-game main menu music.


Very simple.


a. Inside your Soldner folder, navigate to ..\Game\Content

b. Create a folder called 'sound'.

c. Go into the sound folder and create another called 'music'.

d. Go into music folder and copy in an mp3 file that you want to use.

e. Rename the MP3 file to: Dyn_MapLoad.mp3


Thats it. :)


So full path would be for example:




Currently I'm using Korn - Here to Stay.


2. Turn off the 2 intro movies - NVidia & Jowood.


a. Open your config.ini file

b. Search for a line that says: bPlayIntro=1

c. Change the '1' to '0' to turn off intro movies.


3. Reduce the amount of time the End Screen dispays (default is 6000ms)


a. open config.ini file.

b. goto end of file and look for line that says: showEndScreenTimeMS=6000

c. change to whatever you want. I used 600.



Enjoy. :)

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