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The Unknown Ghosts

New Recruit - TUGr_davegtt


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tell you about me? hmm well where do I start, as adam would call me Im a message board junkie ;) spend mucho time ont t'internet, if I aint posting boring messages on car forums like scoobynet then Im playing CSS in the evenings with AK. play on PS2 and XBOX too when I get chance.


and something for TUG_Bulldog, I actually own a bulldog ;) lol live with the misses and the dog called Nelson.


Could ramble on all day about me but I dont know how much detail you'd like me to go into :) I plan on being around for a while if the CSS clan kicks off so Im sure people will get to know me much better in time.


Happy gaming peeps :)



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leapard skin thong eh. I can imagine you all sat at the PC playing with them on, er not actually that doesnt sound like a good thought unless your all pretty laydees ;):D


Ghost recon. not had chance to play it properly but defo think I'll be getting GR2 in march when its out so you'd see me more there :)

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