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The Unknown Ghosts

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Welcome matey... :D if ya into CSS get on the tug server when ya can.. its pick up allot since it got moved to Amsterdam... Davegtt is on most time plus he's a good guy.... if were not on TuG you'll find us on okidoki dojo server IP (very good players)

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hi guys, thanx for all those positive posts,

I'm quit happy to join you're clan (team),

it is a real pleasure,

i will play on the .TuG. -server as much as I can,

it must be a good server with good administration 'cause

there are always a lot of people on the server....

always like 18 til 21 people,... that's a bit too much...


but i've play already with Tantalus and RichardSim7 and it was quit fun,

i'm just so sorry that not much people come on th server...(TuG-members)


greetzzz :excl: ,


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I'm am using a Pentium 4 CPU 3.00 GHz (2.99)

512MB Ram,

120Gb hdd,

Ati Radeon 9800XL (medion),


that's about all,


I'm having only 1prob, my computer crashes frequently by my Video-card, excuse me for that, but i just (a week ago) hitted my computer real hard, and now he doesn't do that anymore, :) ,




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Hello all new members.if you having trouble wondering the trouble you face.. get a free scan of your ...PC i did.. it works ok other then the few spam remover maybe runs in the background,may make a bottleneck when playing ghost-recon.....the test is at ,an you can get it by registering so next time they remember you,or annonomize ,if not full trust,registered i think they keep the information,you download a file,an give permission..the website is.. http://www.pcpitstop.com hope it helps anyone that don't know what the trouble might be, Bye.! B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Madirk@Jun 12 2005, 03:31 PM

How can I become a member of TuG?

I play CSS a lot (and i'm no noob). I play a lot on the .TuG. server (Amsterdam 100mb.. u will know it).. some members of TuG may know me..

I'd like 2 be a member of .TuG. so.. what do I have 2 do?


Hi Madirk - I remember you - alwasy killing me. :D


Check out this thread:




Tells you everything you need to know about joining us. Easiest thing is to fill out the Membership Request form on the main site - www.tugteam.com.



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