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The Unknown Ghosts

can someone help me


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not xfire, xfire is for nubs in my opinion lol



Ok Nub here...... You should If you have down loaded xfire have a section that allows u to sign up for an account..


In my opinion :P I find Xfire very handy, it allows me to see who are in games, what games they are playing ect...got over 50 players on my xfire...


But it would only be handy if you all ready had friends to put on as it would not be worth getting if u didn`t have any online gamers (friends) to follow into games or chat with...maybe thats why some people don`t like it .... :notworking:


When u got it added u can add me... missieuk :)


And then my on line friends become urs if you want to add them....



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