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The Unknown Ghosts

BF2 Server config change

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I am wondering if the reduced numbers of players active in the server is anything to do with finding it on the in-game list or it's advertised name..


It never seems to be anywhere near the top of my scanned list; I only ever join it because the IP is down in my list of favourites.

Could it be the 'Full-stop' (period - for you americans out there) at the beginning of the Tag is having a detrimental effect on it being found? Could perhaps a change of title bring in more 'customers'?


I know I tend to go for those advertised with 'UK' and 'Ranked' in the titles - maybe a name like " Ghosts UK+EURO =RANKED= " might (a) be easier to find and (B) seem more appealing. The same could go for the one over the pond eg., " Ghosts USA = RANKED= "


I noticed when in-game the server pop-up messages for the Euro server stated "Welcome to the .... Dallas" - with a 34 ping I must be cooking with gas! Either that or a line from the Dallas config has found its copy/paste way into the Amsterdam server...


Also noted - the blurb at the joining screen must be at a character limit because it only gets so far as saying that .TuG. players are admins before the sentence is cut-off in mid-flow..


Some might say I'm just being picky - But I prefer it to be looked upon as just being 'thorough'.


Observant as always.



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I'd say you where picky... :)


I'll take a look at the spammed text.


Reason I put what I did inb the title was because of some minor research I did with a few people who had ranked servers and how they run them. Seems those 4 maps listed are peeps fav's at the moment.


I dont understand your point about the .TuG. thing - surely it doesnt matter with the . or not as people seem to be looking for certain words like kark or sharqi or 24/7 in the server names, rather than the clan running it I think.


Maybe I'll make more sense later when I sober up & have had some sleep...

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Concurr with your choice of maps - I hadn't seen the complete list as it doesnt fully show in the 'game browser'.


The Gulf map is a great map for teamplay if you get it right!


As for the title I was merely brainstorming; you're right a name doesn't have as great an effect as does the running map - but I think the word 'Ranked' in a title means at least the less 'technical' of players can know they are going to get some more points towards another medal/award..


As for being picky, well, I think you've been hitting that Dandelion & Burdock a little to hard of late ... :beer: Cheers!!

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