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The Unknown Ghosts

Euro Forces

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It looks like it will take some getting used to. I am not overly excieted about the Smoke Screen and Canyon maps but the great Wall map is very interesting.


Great Wall - a snipers haven


Smoke Screen - If you dont fly well or use amoured vechiles this map is not worth it. It a big open map


Canyon - I got killed the moment I spawn (about a dozen times). I got fustrated and left. Will have to revisit it later this week.



Thats just my opinun I could be wrong - lol


Keep on fighting the Good Fight

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I have found out I hate this Booster Pack - The weapons are great but the map "Operation Smoke Screen" and the "Canyon" suck, They remind me of Blackhawk Down if you aint got a ride your running forever to get somewhere. The Battle is over before you get there. Not much room for Squad play since you have to be in an Airplane, Helio, Tank or APC.


If you can fly a Jet, Helio or if you cant drive a Tank or APC your pretty much out of luck on these two Maps


I do like the Great Wall alot - great for snipering. Even thou it's a large map with room to move. When you get on the Wall it can be like The IRON GATOR map very narrow amount of room to move on the Wall and can be close combat. Similar to AA's Map of the Bridge Crossing. This Map is Squad play made in Heaven - If you Don't, you usually spawn a long way away. I'm also surprised that they didnt have Helicopter in this (at least Transport ones) it can be along way to run from Spawn point outside the Wall.


Overall I have to give the Euro Booster Pack a rating of C.



Feel free to plagerize this review - lol





So for me it was $9.00 for One GOOD map, some new weapons and thats about it. Cant wait to cough up $9.00 for the next booster pack in a couple of months.

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