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The Unknown Ghosts

Line of Sight - Vietnam

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Well a friend of mine suggested i check this out, he said it was hard but fun.


Well yes it is hard, but it is hard because the tango's can see through bushes that you cant, eg. whilst crawling through undergrowth 30 secs into the demo a tango starts shooting me after about 4 shots i was dead and still completely unaware of where the shots were coming from, it turned out the tango was at the bottom of the hill under a shelter, i couldnt see him as he was completly obscured by the foliage and the shelter, BUT, he had no problem seeing me even though i was crouched in the bushes.


The graphics overall are quite bad considering its a new game, not worth the money in my opinion.


If ya want a good Vietnam type game then i would suggest ya get VIETCONG.


Overall rating 2/10. :(

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