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The Unknown Ghosts

1st look at R6 Vegas

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I have to say... I too was disappointed with R6Vegas. The headaches really are a pain, and I also found it to be to arcade like.


Two of my biggest gripes are:


  1. Before you peek around a corner, you can position the crosshair on an enemies head, peek around the corner to take the shot, and the crosshair remains perfectly positioned, allowing you to decapitate as many enemies as you like. Not too realistic to me...
  2. And this is the worst... It's an exact port from the 360. I'm sure I even sure a directory being created during the install call 360something.


Oh yea, where's the 360 face mapping system? Or native widescreen support that GR:AW offered?


Oh well, at least it makes for some more feedback on my ebay account when I sell it.


Wow, moan over. Feel invigorated now... :D

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Havent played the SP much yet, but JJUK - Tweak & myself had some good fun playing co-op terrorist hunt.


Definately reminded me of the CO-OP TH fun I had with Ravenshield.


The game definately shows its XBOX360 roots and needs another quick patch to fix the MP lobby issues.


I'm not going to write it off just yet. :)

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