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The Unknown Ghosts

vWar Match Statisitcs


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I was supposed to be working, but cant be bothered as its the last day of work, so I just spent the last 2 hours updating all the vWar TWL Match Statistics on the site.


You can see the results here:




I dont think our record is too bad - 17/12 Win/Loss - considering 2 of the losses are due to fucktards not allowing us to re-schedule a match cos it was at 3am. hehe


There's a new version of vWar coming soon, with lots more features and things - so once that's out - I'll be moving all our Match notifications and sign-ups to vWar rather than posting everything in the forums.


When a match is set in future, I'll have it automatically email you all with the details and you then come to the site - login to vWar and mark your availablity for the match.


All the match details will be shown - Time/Date, Server, Opponent, Maps, etc.

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