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The Unknown Ghosts

The DEMO is out.

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I think the demo should be recalled and replaced with a demo that works, it is impossible to connect to any servers.


Heres how my day has been so far.


1000 am - Find download on Fileplanet (gets excited)


1030 am - Completes download and starts install (gets even more excited)


1038 am - Install completes and is into character setup (getting really excited)


1045 am - turning my machine off at the wall cause the the game froze up and refused to do anything at all.


1100 am - got the machine back on - and rebooted - tried to join a server.


1215 am - still trying to join a server but for some reason am unable to.


1219 am - sitting here telling ya'll to waste your time on something else cause this really aint worth it, after getting really excited with anticipation, 2 hours on and i just feel sick and let down, i will try again later but if this is what JOWOOD are gonna try and sell their game on the back of then it gonna flop worse than Raven Shield.


The server entrance screen is a little similar to the Delta Force Land Warrior setup, with the exception that DF-LW worked fine.


And b4 ya say well it is a Beta demo, beta or not it still has to worrk to be tested.



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Well on the weight of this pile of crap i have cancelled my preorder for this game, and will not be wasting my money on it at anytime ever.


It is such a shame that devs and advertisementr companys take the time and effort to promote something that really isnt worth wiping your ass on.


Such a disappointment............. :angry::(:angry:

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There have been issues with the master server going down and most of the idiots hosting their own servers through firewalls and not opening the correct ports.


As you say - this is a BETA Demo and I hate to think what they did to it, because the last build we played in the closed was just fine.


Have you tried playing it on your own hosted server?


Most people have been slagging it off cos they cant connect to any interent servers, then creating their own lan server and playing, the posting that it's actually a very nice game etc.

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Beav as Kaiser said ya cant even host a server till you've logged in and it wont let ya do that i created an account earlier, and i still cant log in, ive tried to create another log in but it wont have that either, so it looks as if it is exactly what you said where they havent sorted their end out yet, which is kinda dumb lauanch a MMOG but dont let anyone play online, kinda pointless really. Wouldnt be so bad if they'd launched the SP first - at least then we'd have something to do while they get a grip. :(

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ok ...


i tryed to play for a while got a lot of time-outs, server errors and hanging i got in one game seams a bit slow and blocky but may be my comp!

i tryed connecting for over 30 mins yawn!

BUT i am not giving up hope!

i only played for 10 mins and forund it a little slow but i still like the idea and will not! be canceling my preorder yet...


i know wings are aware of all the problems and i am keeping an eye on the forums,

i hope they can handel the demand for the game!


i have a few questions about LAN games and graphics beaver!



ps... WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE?? its 9.30 and no one is online at all....boring!!!


later all!


oh! ... pps i will be posting pics of florida holiday soon! beaches, babes, boobs, breaking waves and beer! yeeeha i love rednecks!

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well the demo has not gone down too well across the gaming lands!


mainly connection probles which will hopefully be sorted but, alot of people are dissapointed with the graphics/speed of play (i am a little sceptical myself)


i have played it a few times now and enjoy the general game play and great kit/inventory/motor selections. I was not impressed however with the graphical depth (could be my comps fault) and the game play seamed a little jerky (again may be my fault)


these are my views and at the moment ..... i will still purchase the game!


they will have to work very very! hard to address these issues befor the release date ............. i can see another ammended release date coming on!

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