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The Unknown Ghosts

RavenShield + Athena Sword Server

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I had to turn it on today in the game because I got a server that required it. It began flashing a warnignthat my version was out of date and eventually reported me as a violation. Now that I want to turn it off it is all grayed out as if it's not an option. Anyone have any suggestions? And how do I update it?

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Yes - while you play PB - it auto goes and check for the latest version at evenbalance.com - it then tries to update while you play.


I'm guessing that you might have a firewall running and this may have interfered with you dl'ing the latest PB version for Ravenshield.


Get the PBWEB tool - this allows you to dl the latest PB outsite of Ravenshield from this link:




you might also look at the RVS pages here:




Let me know how you go - I use the PBWeb myself sometimes.

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