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The Unknown Ghosts

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Hey Beav,

Yeah moved to proboards because the admin interface is a lot easier for me and within my ability to understand. the old forum for me was like holding onto the tail of a tiger. I was not on top of it enough. I think we'll be moving our main web page to the new web site and then just link the forum from there.


Give me a few days to make sure I have all the important posts and events pulled over and then we can shut it down.


On a personal note, I owe you big time for all the forum help and letting us place our forum on your server Beav. It's appreciated very much.


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np Kaiser - but do you realise that we can install a new forum on your new domain once its up - something like invision power board or phpbb - which are 100 time easier to manage and set-up than vbulletin is.


We can export all the stuff from vbulletin and probably import all the posts and things so you wont lose anything. :)

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