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The Unknown Ghosts

TUG RvS Server Update

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** UPDATE **


Something got a bit borked last night at Trinity's end in their server database.


For some reason our server ports got screwed up.


Game port should be: & 8780 as query port (web admin)


But its showing as port 12223 & 8783.


Try and connect if you can - let me know whats going on.


They will be reseting it later today, fingers crossed.


Plus I have now turned off the RvC MapPack 4 & just put it back to plain AthenSword config.

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:excl: Concurr with the above change in Port numbers.


The original port number of 8780 is currently sending us to the }}FA||en Angels in-clan tournament server.


Changing the url to include the 8783 (in the IE address bar) directs us to the TUG server, where it is then possible to access the webadmin.


The Game port has also changed to 12223 as detailed above. This just means finding it and adding it to your favourites again... I did have to restart it to get it to appear in the browser list this evening but it's there now..


These ports remain unchanged as at 17:00 GMT.

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** UPDATE **


The web admin page has now be fixed and put back onto port 8780 - so the page should now work ok from the link on the main site.


However, the game port has now changed to port: 9999


Please update your ASE/favourites with the new port.


It does seem to work ok as the server is full as I speak. :)


Let me know if there are any problems.

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