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right I'm trying to install my ATI X800 SE and I've done all the right steps of cleaning my old gfx drivers and stuff out, but when I install the ATI into my pc and try and boot, I get beeping and in red writing something like I havn't install power to my video card bla bla... I didn't get a power suppile with the card? or dose it mean my std PC power can't handle the card???

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Have you attached the card's own power connector to your internal power leads within your case? Normally there is an 'adapter' (known as a Molex Splitter) lead that comes with the card to allow it to be connected in parallel with one of your other devices power connectors (like the CDRom for example)..


I have uploaded a graphic to my webspace and have indicated the power connector along with a photo of a Molex Splitter below..

Power Connector: ati_power.jpg

Molex Cable: molex.jpg

**A Molex Splitter will normally have 3 or even 4 Molex Connections (the picture above only shows 2)


The cards require one of these due to their high power draw when rendering some of the high-end graphics required in todays games - for example while the AGP slot supplies up to 45 watts, a GeForce 6800 Ultra draws up to 110 watts under full load!!! In these instances you should have nothing less than a 450W power supply...


..in the case of an X800 XT the absolute minimum is 350W but you'll be putting a lot of strain on the PSU.

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THANK YOU tant :) I bought the card as a B-grade so now guide or cables :sad: I'll pop down to maplins at lunch and pick up one of them cables you stated.


humm might have to upgrade my PSU then, dunno what it's got at the mo thou but I bet its not great..

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If Maplins don't have one then this site MRG Distribution have them at ?1:99 with FREE delivery..



As for the PSU issue just have a look on the label on your present one and it will tell you - often the model number is an indication eg PT350H could be a 350w and so on.. Pictures included below illustrate where & what to look for on a couple of different label types..





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Yes at last the sager is over I ahve my new graphics card in and its working (after pissing about with the drivers too)


Thanks tant... but I have a compaq evo 500 desktop so my PSU is only 120W :blush: I have a spare so when these two blow up I'll have to buy a case and new mptherboard and change everything across, cos I won't get a bigger PSU in this desktop... I can't even close the lid now cos the graphics card is sticking out the top..lol.. :blush:


thanks again bud for the help..

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Originally posted by .TuG.AK

... I have a compaq evo 500 desktop


Ah yes I know them well, I have an P4 EVO D310 that I bought from a mate for ?150 - I added a new AGP card, some more DDR a wireless network adapter and now have it as a 'Guests' PC in one of my spare bedroom's; a games machine it aint but it does the job for what most people want ie Internet Access, Word Processing and is a reasonable performer for a business machine..


But I feel you're gonna have to start saving up and collecting hardware in order to build yourself a nice new 'customised' games machine to go around that lovely graphics card of yours .. :ph34r:

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