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The Unknown Ghosts

Will your PC run GR:AW?

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Yes mine can run the game lol but i wont be buyong it. CSS is a lot better:biggrin:


as no one has actually seen GR AW on the P.C. yet its a little bit difficult to decide which sucks more CSS or GR AW!

personally I think CSS sucks but then again maybe GR AW will suck more when it finally comes out

it remains to be seen!

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as no one has actually seen GR AW on the P.C. yet its a little bit difficult to decide which sucks more CSS or GR AW!

personally I think CSS sucks but then again maybe GR AW will suck more when it finally comes out

it remains to be seen!


No you are right flya CSS sucks


I have it and its pants, even if GRAW bites, CSS will always be worse

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yea I know lee

I bought it for my old man (he likes simple games)

I played it once or twice but it just seems so......................BASIC!

even if GR AW sux more than a five dollar hoe with a pink loilipop

will always have the original GR to fall back on.

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yea I know lee

I bought it for my old man (he likes simple games)

I played it once or twice but it just seems so......................BASIC!

even if GR AW sux more than a five dollar hoe with a pink loilipop

will always have the original GR to fall back on.

Maybe he is younger that .TuG.Mortian/srryif i spell name worng Mort/So who is the younger Flya's Dad or Mort at 86... which speed do they run on ? Me an Mort need to get onto Ghost Recon wilderness map/ the one after Creekbed/ it is cool some times to play with other clan member's/ Later.. need to get some sort of DVD player to play that Gr=AW= /

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With all the games running on the Server or Server's/ Will the plain jane of --->- Ghost Recon -<----- Still be on here as a Server sided Mod for us to play.I hope that it does not die/for some crap to take over/ i gave up hunting Deere in the woods/it got so that i only went out in the late afternoon's a hour an half before dark.got into treehouse out of the weather with rifle sitting on the side table, in one of them reclining bucket seat's of a small car,ran a heater on the colder day's,but the noise was a bother for hearing them coming into the apples/with one shot ,an maybe a piece of the carpet from around the window...an a 15 minute wait... you got down from tree stand, went an looked in the near area for the deere/got a 8 or 9 pointer there once/ the one shot made it easy / no tramping threw the woods/firing at deere that allready had the jump on you/lots of bad days that way.My nearby friend hunts in the back woods near me/ i think he thinks that i am crazy for giving up hunting/ it don't cost anymore than the real thing/ you only get less blood on your hands/the treehouse as blown down in a spring storm.... an there was trouble with Bear's/ an coyotes that bothered the deere anyways/ i love the game of ghost recon/ my PC passed the =AW= TEST/ i got a younger brother that has been on the server playing a few games/ he is new to it/ i think he likes it/Later all )Yes more then one question/ sort of )

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