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The Unknown Ghosts

.TuG. Website - Update


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I've been working on a few things with the website over the last few months and totally forgot to post in the public forums about the changes & whats coming next.


Here's a little update on past & future changes.


Past Updates:


1. New Gallery integration with the forums.




ALL full .TuG. members have the ability to upload images.


2. New Files/Downloads integration with the forums.




ALL full .TuG. members have the ability to upload files.



New Updates coming:


1. .TuG. Server Status page.




You will now be able to see what the ONLINE status of all the .TuG. servers are, aswell as who is currently playing on them. (Just click name of each server to view the individual server status/players & current map.)


I will be integrating this into the main site shortly after some testing.


2. .TuG. Battlefield 2 Player Stats/LeaderBoard page.




All the BF2 players in .TuG. can now see what their current scores, etc are.


Stats are provided by BF2s.com and are cached every 2 hours.


If you click your name on the stat page, then it'll take you to a full stats page on BF2.com


3. .TuG. Counter-Strike:Source Player Stats page.

After I managed to screw up Psychostats recently, I have taken a look at the new HLStatsX package and will shortly be putting up a page to show all the stats from our de_dust2 server.


I have 6 months of old stats to import too.


As yet I dont have a firm date for this happening, but it should be within the next couple of weeks. I'm just sorting everything out with our good friends at Rackage.com. :)



If there's anything that you might like to see on the website, then please drop me a PM on the forum & please let me know if you find any bugs or problems with the site.



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