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The Unknown Ghosts

when and where to play


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If u wanna find out whats going on and chat etc - then might I suggest that you come and 'idle' in IRC.


TUG/SAF have their own channels and I am always on there.


Wizzy, Undying, Duck, Kaiser, Stryker, Rogue, Benny, Vulva to name a few also make appearances from time to time.


I find it's much better to group chat in IRC. :)


Get an IRC client (and info about IRC) from - http://www.mirc.com


Our channels are on:




Our Channels are:





I can also be found in:








My nickname is:



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You can actually use a web browser to connect to IRC using a java chat client.


Try this link at gamesnet.net:




It should load a java chat client that you can then use to join IRC and chat with us. :)


I'm gonna put something similar on the TUG website if it works well.


That way u dont need and IRC client installed on your local machine to chat.

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Because I'm such a nice chap - I have found a nice Java-IRC chat client for u to download and put on your local machine.


Link here:




Just unzip to it's own folder and double click on the irc.html file.


This will probably pop-up and ask you a security question about granting java to run. Say yes.


Then all you need to do to connect to games net is enter a Nickname to use where it says 'Nick' at the top of the screen - MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE USERNAME IN lowercase also delete the password as it is not required.


The click where it says in the middle of screen and you should connect. :)


Have fun and let me know how you go - you will need to have java installed on your local machine for this to work though.

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