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The Unknown Ghosts

Single player maps


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Beaver was saying we should mod one of the single player maps:


==( Clean GR:AW Maps


Included are all the 11 world.xml files from the original GR:AW campaign missions.

They have been cleaned of mission specific objects (see list below).


==( Modifications Done

- Deteted Mission Commands

- Deleted Areas

- Deleted Compositions

- Deleted Vehicles

- Deleted Dynamic Objects

- Removed Human, left Player Team

- Removed M2HB, MK19 and C4 props

- Changed all Player Teams to be of "friendly" type (4 man team), called "friendly", using "insert_hawk" as vehicle.


Get clean map into editor


1. Go into the map editor

2. Create new map

3. Place a static object

4. Save map

5. In file browser, find the GRAW/custom_levels/work/"you_map" folder.

6. Replace the world_1.xml file with the map you want to use from the "clean map pack".

Note: Make sure you rename it "world_1.xml"

7. Load the map project in the map editor again.






==( Credits

- Wolfsong, December 2006



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