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The Unknown Ghosts

To Blog or Not to Blog?


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The guys who make the forum/gallery that we currently use have just released a new add-on for it - InvisionBlog.


Here's some details about the Blog system:




Is this something you guys would like to see added to the site?


You'd then be able to have your own blogs hosted here - either private or public - somehwere to vent your spleens. :)


You can also see my own IPB forum test blog in action here:




Although I think you might need to be logged in.

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Originally posted by TUG_Beaver

Is this something you guys would like to see added to the site?


Not really, there are plenty of blogging sites around for people to get it off their chest if they need to, why clutter up our forum with other peoples moaning shite.. (IMO.. :blush: )

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