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The Unknown Ghosts



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I have had my nokia 3510 for 2 or 3 years now and it is starting to become old... well thats a lie it was old as soon as the first camera phone came out <_<



anyway with my new job i thought hey why not buy and new phone



so being a sorta noob at phones i wondered if u guys are up to date with the latest phones



any ideas? wot i could get


i am looking to spend 50-100 quid as i don't want anything fancy

i would like bluetooth and it seems cool

and a camera but there like on all phones ain't they? expect my one of course! lol




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yeah i am suprised with the amount of phones out there.. on most phone sites there dosn't seem to be much of a choice



all i want is



a camera


and a phone

and maybe the mp3 ringtones



but i don't wanna spend 300 quid on a phone



it seems silly lol, might just keep with my old one




Anyway off to work! :D

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It depends on whether you are willing to sign up for a contract or whether you are wanting pay&go.


I have just got myself the new Sony Ericsson K750i.

It is the first phone to have a 2.0 Megapixel Camera, complete with bright LED flash and digital zoom.

It has 34MB of Internal memory and also comes with a 64MB Sony Memory Stick Duo (Thats 98MB total).

I have since added a 256MB stick so I can store more mp3 music to listen to, but there is nothing to stop you adding a 1GB stick to add even more CD's.. B)


Other features include an RDS FM radio, MP3 Ringtones, mediaplayer, Video capture, Bluetooth, Infra-red, GPRS, Internet, Email (including pop3) and lots of other features.


I got this phone free on an O2 Tariff, but be aware that they are quite hard to get hold of at the moment, with most phone shops actually holding only one in stock - I had to wait 3 days to get mine..

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Just had another look around the net and came to TheLink.



and found this Sony E - k700i


the model down from what u have Tantalus. it has everything i need and is in the price range so i think i'll be getting this one..


it is on pay as u go aswell, think it is better as i don't trust myself with a contract lol!

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