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The Unknown Ghosts

new recruit .TuGr.stranger32


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hi i.m stranger32 and i play the games ghost recon and btlefield2 at the moment

i.m from the netherlands and i.m 32 years old

i like good team play in games and alot of fun with members that the most importent in the game that all ad the moment




cya in the game and on ts2

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Originally posted by .TuGr.stranger32@Jul 11 2005, 09:52 PM

hi i.m stranger32 and i play the games ghost recon and btlefield2 at the moment

i.m from the netherlands and i.m 32 years old

i like good team play in games and alot of fun with members that the most importent in the game that all ad the moment

cya in the game and on ts2




Another GR player - yay


Welcome to TuG and may you many happy returns! :D

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Hey m8. Welcome to the team.


To overclock a nVidea Graphics Card you need to unlock the Drivers First. To do this you first need to run the file in the zip folder attached to this post.


You then right click on your desktop and go:


Propeties --> Settings --> Advanced --> *Name of your Graphics Card* --> Clock Frequency Settings


When you are at ths screen you will then need to turn on Manual Overclocking.





This will void your Graphic cards warrenty immediatly and if overclocked to much it may burn out and break your Graphics Card.


You have been Warned


**End of boring crap**



Once you have turned manual overclocking on i then recomened turning your fan so it it on all the time to avoid to much heat :lol:


If you then use "Detect optimal frequencys" to find what your card will be optimised at. Then after that has finished put both options up a few more megahurts and test the differance. Keep increasing the megahurts untill they are balanced just right with the amount of heat given off.



To overclock a proccessor you need to go through the BIOS (Press Delete when you are booting) but the options are differant for every differant motherboard so you will need to look yours up on the internet.


There are some programs you can download to help you do these easier such as RivaTuner. If you need any help on them im sure Android wouldnt mind helping you out. I just use the BIOS and nVidia drivers for all my overclocking.


To test to see if it makes a large differance for you use some benchmarking tools such as:


PCmark05, 3Dmark05 and Aquamark3 for graphic benchmarks

aida32 for memory

prime95 for proccessor

cpuZ to see the specification of your pc to make sure it worked.



Hope this all helps,




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