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The Unknown Ghosts

Thoughts on the game?

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I've been playing it now for a couple of days and actually was able to connect to Biffa's machine today for some coop. Just wondering what you guys think of the game so far.


For me it has potential but will need some hard tweaking by the developers I think. Just curious as to how you guys are doing with it.


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I think it is excellent, there are a few annoying bugs, which i am sure wil Ant the most obvious hopefully the june patch will address the multiplayer problems.


It definately isnt GR1, but for me that's good. I wanted a new game not a revamped GR1, (probably not a popular view point).


Overall I am enjoying the game

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Well actually played coop with Biffa and Psy today for several hours and had a blast. This game should be awesome once they get the bugs worked out. The sad part is that it uses so much of the computer resources that some of our friends will not be able to play it unless they have a high end machine. I think that part is sucks pretty bad:angry:

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Moooooooooo Kaiser. :)


Glad to see your still around on the interweb... hehe.


What do I think of GRAW?


It definately has potential - once we see a Dedicated Server, proper MP patch with LMS & some optimisation of the engine, it'll be superb.


If they release the SDK/Editor at the same time, then I expect to see alot of the old school maps ported over & the old school gametypes, like Biffa Firefights for co-op.


As it stands now, the game has been released in an un-finished state, but I'm keeping fingers crossed that it'll all be fixed. :) (otherwise it'll be ET:Quake Wars for me...)

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We had some fun tonight on Psy's machine playing 3v3 against a few of the Tugs. Awesome time and a pretty well balanced fight I think. It was good to play some of the Tug gang and have some laughs. We need to do it more often!


True dat - feel free to come drop into our new London TS2 server - I believe all the guys & Psyc where in it last night while playing.


IP: (PW= check your PM) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A massively over-engineered feed of poop!


WTF have they done to GR!? It's meant to be a game, they have been so busy making it look real-world that it has lost the edge it used to have..


and to top it all off, with all this new fangled graphics, I can barely manage to play it for more than 10 minutes without that awful 'motion sickness' feeling setting in. :blink:


Brand New and now back in it's box - I feel an Ebay moment coming on :mad:

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may be give it a chance playin with a few of us before you send it back?? it is more fun when you have a few people to work with!


and therein lies even more problems

It just seems so hit n miss wether or not u can actually get into a server!!


GAY SPY SUCKS 4 BUCKS!!! :angry:


I fully agree with tant that they tried to make the game so realistic to the point of loosing focus on what made GR an excellent tactical shooter in the 1st instance


sort it soon or see it die


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Have set up my router to forward the relevant ports. Result = Same.


Set up zonealarm to allow all for GRAW.exe = Same result.


Dropped firewall etc = Successful Connection.


:confused: So... created port list for entire UDP & TCP ports required by GRAW within 'Zonealarm Internet Security Suite' under the 'Internet Zone' ...


Result ... :) Connection !!


Pity the game throws you out after each game in MP though.. what a buggy game! Is anyone else's game really rather 'BROWN' ???

I can't say that there appear to be a great deal of colours going on ... it's almost like 'sepia' ...

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