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The Unknown Ghosts

New GR:AW Recruit .TuGr.Lok/Phobia


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Hi guys!(and girls??)


I would like to give you some info about myself...

but first i would like to thx for all your positive comments to my recruiting:blush:

im from sweden and live in a town called Linkoping with my 2 children and their mother. I work as a paramedic and my sparetime goes to family, training and of course a little bit of GRAW...

This is the first time i join a clan and im looking forward to join the team in a clan vs clan battle..:)

I think you soon will notice that im addicted to GRAW, play almost every day... and my girlfriend just adore it:blink:

Ive been playing a lot of ravenshield and css, but that was before i bought this outstanding game...

some of you have noticed, that im a big fan of snipergun:closedeye ...

I also like to use the scar H without scope...

my favorite maps are downtown and avenues...especially when i go snipe against snipe with Beaver...use to be some tough battles:smile:


Well, hope to see you soon...


btw... my english is a little bit limited, plz dont get offended if i say some weird things, just let me know...:uhm:



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Greetings Lok!!

I applied to join TuG a couple of weeks ago and they're a great laugh and also very very good at GR:AW , especially Psychdlc!!! I know you like the sniper rifle as you've killed me loads of times.

Hope to see you on the server, and don't worry about your English mate. None of us can use it properly anyway!

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